Arhive etichetă: Complicat

Viaţa pe băţ

Viata, in toate aspectele ei, este atat de complicata incat uneori simti ca esti pe marginea prapastiei…sau in varful unui zgarie nor, iar cea mai mica greseala poate rezulta intr-o cadere libera! Foarte putine lucruri sunt simple sau vin de la sine, de foarte putine ori ne ajuta norocul…

Si ma gandesc cu groaza la sarmanii oameni care simt ca le lipseste ceva, ceva fara de care nu ar putea iesi din casa, ceva fara care nici in casa nu le e prea bine, ceva care vine ca o extensie a lor, ceva de nepretuit caruia ii incredinteaza chiar si cel mai bun prieten al lor, ceva care a aparut pe lumea asta abia de vreun anisor or so, ceva cu un nume simplu….Selfie Stick!


Pai numai pe site-ul unui magazin online vor gasi 97 de betze dintr-un total de 190 de altfel de accesorii pentru telefoanele mobile! 97 de betze!!! 97!!!

Cum sa aleaga saracul om un batz din 97? E inuman! E cumplit! E tortura!

Cum alegi? Mari diferente intre ele, eu, sa stiti, ca nu vad! Diferenta cea mai mare e de pret, cel mai ieftin e 25 de lei si la polul opus e un batz de 10 ori mai scump. In rest … unele se conecteaza prin bluetooth, altele prin mufa de casti. Au tot soiul de culori, cateva marimi…si cu toate astea sunt 97 de selfie sticks!!!

Si uite asa ne complicam noi viata cand sunt atatia trecatori binevoitori in jurul nostru, gata sa ne surprinda intr-o poza. Chit ca poza se intituleaza „fetzele fraierilor cand si-au dat seama ca raman fara telefon”!

Hai sa nu credeti acum ca’s total impotriva selfie stick-urilor, am o problema numai cu avalansa asta de betze colorate! Ca in rest, da, recunosc, pot fi de ajutor. Uite, e evident ca tipilor astora n-avea cine naiba sa le faca o poza! Poate doar vreun norisor, dar cum n-are whatsapp, n-avea cum sa le trimita poza!

PIC BY ALEXANDER REMNOV / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED Alexander Remon (Green Tshirt) Danila (Sunglasses) and Eric (pink and white T-shirt) take a selfie at the top of The Centre Tower, Hong Kong, China) These breath-taking images taken from the top of skyscrapers are wrong on so many levels. Captured using a specially adapted selfie stick, the sweat inducing images show the lengths some people will go to for the most extreme self portrait. Pictured at heights over 360 metres in the air, the nerve shredding photographs show the group of photographers dangling by one hand and even tip-toeing across tiny ledges. Seemingly unfazed by the dazzling heights, the barmy bunch ventured around the city of Hong Kong in search of any building that caught their eye. SEE CATERS COPY **NOT FOR SALE / USE IN RUSSIA / POLAND**
PIC BY ALEXANDER REMNOV / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED Alexander Remon (Green Tshirt) Danila (Sunglasses) and Eric (pink and white T-shirt) take a selfie at the top of The Centre Tower, Hong Kong, China) These breath-taking images taken from the top of skyscrapers are wrong on so many levels. Captured using a specially adapted selfie stick, the sweat inducing images show the lengths some people will go to for the most extreme self portrait. Pictured at heights over 360 metres in the air, the nerve shredding photographs show the group of photographers dangling by one hand and even tip-toeing across tiny ledges. Seemingly unfazed by the dazzling heights, the barmy bunch ventured around the city of Hong Kong in search of any building that caught their eye. 

Si nu, nu am povestit o drama personala. Este doar o descoperire amuzanta facuta la plictiseala!

Dar acum sunt curioasa, voi cum v-ati ales batzul pentru poze?